
欢迎来到正规澳门赌场网络. 我们努力提倡一种支持, 包容的社区,确保正规澳门赌场网络丰富的教育, 文化, 我们的学生也有娱乐的机会, 教师, 专业人员.

如果你是一个残疾人, 请知悉,我们将尽一切合理的努力来满足您的需求. We adhere to applicable state and federal laws – including the Americans with Disabilities Act – and have been working aggressively to improve the accessibility of our buildings and facilities. 这包括修改旧的结构,使程序, 服务, 活动是可访问的, 同时还设计了完全无障碍的新建筑.

如果你是有问题的学生, 请联系学生访问中心主任,电话:(207)221-4438. Questions from all others should be directed to the Executive Director of Human 资源, 以该人作为ADA合规官的身份, at (207) 602-2339.


詹姆斯D. 赫伯特,Ph值.D.


It is the intent of the University of New England to provide adequate accessible parking for visitors, 学生, 教师, 还有身体残疾的专业员工. 游客停车许可证全天24小时开放, 每一天, 来自比德福德校区招生欢迎中心, 以及波特兰校区学院街1号的安全与安保部.

Any holder of a state-issued disability parking permit and a valid University parking permit may park in any disability, 学生, 教员/员工, 或校园内的访客停车位. 学生, 教师, 专业人员 who regularly have difficulty locating empty disability parking spaces near their destination may notify the Department of Safety and Security at (207) 221-4346.

正规澳门赌场网络是一所机会均等的大学. 如有疑问或疑虑,可直接向人力资源总监提出, 以该人作为《正规澳门赌场网络》合规官的身份,电话:(207)602-2384.



University policy requires that all persons leave any facility in which a 火 alarm is activated as promptly as possible via the nearest available exit. No one is expected to unduly endanger him or herself in order to effect or assist with the evacuation of others and everyone has a duty to ensure that other occupants are aware of an emergency. 类似的, 教师, 监事, and 学生 leaders (“evacuation leaders”) are responsible for following the procedures set below.


学生, 教师, 专业人员 with disabilities are encouraged to discuss any individual evacuation issues with the Department of Safety and Security. 为了最大限度地保证撤离时建筑物的安全出口, 我们鼓励你提前做好安排.

Arrangements for assistance are usually best accomplished between the individual requiring assistance and one or more peers in the form of a buddy plan. Persons with disabilities who are unable or unwilling to make such arrangements may contact the 教师 or staff member in charge of a facility or activity to make arrangements for assistance with evacuation. Redundant arrangements should be made to ensure the needed assistance is provided should the primary provider be absent when an emergency occurs.

作为一个有残疾的人,你的需求可能不容易被其他人识别. 如果你怀疑是这样的话, you should inform the person in charge of the facility or activity if assistance with evacuation is required. 只有直接有关的人员才需要知道你的协助安排.


The emergency evacuation alarm systems in University facilities include visual and audible signaling devices which you to alarm conditions. 在住宅设施, signaling devices may be added or modified within individual units to accommodate you.

Elevators cannot be safely used for emergency egress and are typically programmed to cease operation when a 火 alarm is activated. A wheelchair can be an unacceptable impediment to others using the stairway to evacuate, 因此可能不得不被抛弃. There are techniques that can be used to evacuate a person with mobility impairments who has abandoned their wheelchair. 这些技巧必须经过充分的训练和实践后才能使用.

The following procedure should be used in the evacuation of a person with a disability who is unable to use the stairs or who is dependent upon equipment for mobility.

  • 疏散负责人(教职工), 监事, and 学生 leaders) are responsible for the safe evacuation of all persons they supervise, 组织, 或教. The evacuation leader should direct or escort the person with a disability to an area of rescue assistance (enclosed stairwell landings) where that person can await assistance from emergency personnel in a position that does not impede or prevent emergency egress by other occupants.
  • If the stairwell becomes smoke-filled or otherwise untenable, proceed to another usable stairwell. If another stairwell is unavailable, take the person to a room that is habitable and close the door.
  • 用最近的电话拨打911,说出你的名字和确切位置.
  • The evacuation leader should then exit the area and immediately direct emergency personnel to the location of the person awaiting assistance. Any and all ambulatory occupants with a vision or hearing disability should be evacuated along with other building occupants. Those individuals may benefit from an escort and should be assigned one from the class or work area.


Questions pertaining to emergency procedures should be referred to the Department of Safety and Security at (207) 221-4346.

Questions on ADA compliance and/or accommodations for persons with physical disabilities should be directed to the director of Human 资源, 以该人作为《正规澳门赌场网络》合规官的身份,电话:(207)602-2384.


大学已安装紧急电话亭, 在我们的校园中有哪些战略位置. These emergency call boxes enable you to speak directly to University Security without inserting money or dialing.

如果报告危及生命的紧急情况或正在进行的犯罪, dial 911 or press the Emergency button and your call will be transferred to the Emergency Communication Center for police, 火, 救护车服务.

描述紧急情况的性质、你的名字和位置. 如果安全的话, 请不要挂断,直到接线员收到你提供的所有必要信息.  

另外, you will find a courtesy phone available on every floor of every building on UNE's campuses with emergency numbers and a University telephone directory posted in close proximity.


  • 救护车:911
  • 火:911
  • 警察:911
  • 比德福德警察局(非紧急):282-5127
  • 波特兰警察(非紧急):874-8575
  • 校园安全:366
  • 校园安全(非紧急):2298
  • 危机热线:366
  • 中毒控制:366
  • 缅因州医疗中心:366人
  • 南缅因医疗中心:366人